Welcome to our homepage. Our winemaking stems from a long family tradition that started in the second half of the 18th century. It is located in an old half-timbered house that was built in the 17th century near to the marketplace in the centre of Oestrich. Winemaking in our family has been proudly handed down through the generations, and is currently in the capable hands of Michael Schönleber whose expertise in this profession is acknowledged by a diploma in viticulture from the world-famous Hochschule Geisenheim University. We are passionate about winemaking, and the quality of our product is recognised by the awards we receive for our wine at regional, national and international tastings. We specialise in making wines from Riesling grapes, which, in the Rheingau region of Germany grow particularly well and take on flavours and aromas that are reminiscent of peaches, apricots and citrus fruits. However, we also make wine from Pinot noir as well as a new grape variety known as Dakapo that was developed in Geisenheim and was licensed for winemaking in the year 2000.
Since 2015 we grow the historic grape variety Gelber Orleans.